Friday, May 5, 2023


 Jordan Ross Belfort is an American financial criminal and speaker. He is also a book author, a book writer former stockbroker, entrepreneur and ex-stockbroker. Belfort pleaded in 1999 guilty to allegations of fraud, which included manipulating the stock market and running an office as part of an alleged penny-stock scheme. Belfort was sentenced to 22 months in prison as per an agreement in which he was required to testify against his subordinates and partners who were involved in the scheme. He was arrested in 2007 and released The Wolf of Wall Street that was later made into for the Martin Scorsese movie of the identical title, which was released in 2013. Leonardo DiCaprio played him in the movie. Belfort was a graduate of American University in Biology. Belfort planned to utilize the earnings he made from Loewenstern to attend dental education. He was accepted into at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry. The Dean told him the very day he started his first day of university: "The golden era of dental practice is over." It's not the best location if you're here to make a fortune. Belfort's former wife Denise Lombardo and Belfort divorced during the time he was running Stratton Oakmont. He later married Nadine Caridi, a British-born, Bay Ridge


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