Friday, May 5, 2023


 Jordan Ross Belfort (/'belf@rt/ Born on July 9, 1962) is an American businessman, speaker writer, author, former stockbroker, as well as financial criminal. He pleaded guilty in 1999 of charges of fraud, including manipulating stock prices and operating an office as part of a penny stock scam. Belfort spent 22 months in prison under an agreement in which the defendant testified against various participants and their subordinates involved in the scam. In 2007, he wrote The Wolf of Wall Street that was later made into for a Martin Scorsese movie of the same title released in 2013. Leonardo DiCaprio played him in the movie. Belfort was able to graduate from American University with a degree in biology. Belfort planned to utilize the money he earned from Loewenstern for dental college. He was accepted into at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry. Belfort left the school after the Dean of the school had said at the beginning of his day "The gold age of dentistry is over. If you're in this place because you're hoping to earn lots of money, you're in the wrong spot. "While operating Stratton Oakmont, Belfort and his spouse Denise Lombardo were divorced. He later married Nadine Caridi, a British-born, Bay Ridge


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