Sunday, January 22, 2023

Ayn Rand

 Ayn Rand, a Russian-American novelist screenwriter, philosopher, and philosopher, was also a prominent Conservative/Libertarian political activist. She is most well known for her writing on Atlas Shrugged (1957) and The Fountainhead (1943). She was born on 2 February 1905 in Saint Petersburg, Russian, to an wealthy Jewish family. Ayn Rand was born Alissa Zinovna Rosenbaum. Her most famous accomplishment is her novel work. Her philosophical system, Objectivism, is also popular. Rand died in New York City on 6 March 1982.She did her initial schooling at the prestigious Stoiunina Gymnasium in New York City. She began writing at the age of eight. As her parents attempted to protect their daughter from the political chaos that was unfolding during that time, Alisa developed her own opinions and chose an elected republican government over a the monarchy of the constitution. At the age of 9, Rand decided to become an author, influenced by the novels of Victor Hugo. When the 1917 "February Revolution" broke out in Saint Petersburg, Alisa, 12 years old, was a fan of Alexander Kerensky over the Tsar Nicholas II. The family's life was interrupted as the "October Revolution" started later in the year. When the Bolsheviks seized power, her father's business was taken away and they were forced to flee to Crimea, where they tried to start life afresh.

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